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Girl drawing in condensation on window

Condensation treatment

At Dampshield UK, our condensation treatment means that you won’t have to worry about any more black mould. We work across the Nantwich, the Wirral and Chester area, so just give us a call and our team in Deeside will deal with it.

What causes condensation?

When warm air comes into contact with cold surfaces, it causes condensation. While you might not seem to worried about a little bit of water, if it’s left untreated it can lead to mould, rot and damp.

Our team in Deeside are damp specialists, so no matter where you’re based in North Wales, we can send someone round to assess the extent of the problem and make sure that it doesn’t end up causing any issues. We’re open until 8pm during the week, so even if you work a 9-5, we can still come at a time that’s convenient.

Get rid of black mould

One of the biggest problems caused by condensation is mould. It doesn’t just smell and ruin your decorating. If you don’t treat it, it can cause health issues of aggravate existing conditions such as asthma. The good news is that we can find and deal with the root cause so that the damp disappears for good. If you’d like a free quote or a second opinion, talk to the team at Dampshield UK.

mould on the wall of an apartment
white luxury moulding floor with dark wooden floor interior detain concept

How we take care of condensation

Dampshield can diagnose the problem
We’ll assess how much damage has been caused

Condensation prevention measures are installed. This may include fitting humidistat controlled extractor fans, positive air input systems, passive air vents and mould inhibiting paints

Dampshield can take care of condensation

Call our damp specialists in Deeside on

01244 537236

or email us at

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